Simple .obj File Example

2020. 2. 28. 19:18카테고리 없음

  1. How To Open Obj Files

Contents.AboutWavefront OBJ (.obj) is a ASCII file format for representing 3D mesh geometries - namely the position of vertices, texture coordinates, normals and the faces of each polygon defined as a list of vertices. Unlike other 3D interchange formats, like and, OBJ files do not support any animation, object hierarchy, transformation or even the use of 3D primitives (spheres, cubes etc). Material information is also mission from OBJ files, however can be referenced in '.mtl' files using OBJ's Material Template Library (MTL) companion file format.

Despite these limitations, the OBJ format by is a universally accepted format and remains in common use due to its relative simplicity. # WaveFront.obj file - a single square based pyramid with custom normalsg MySquareBasedPyramid# List of vertices:v -0.5 0 0.5v 0.5 0 0.5v 0.5 0 -0.5v -0.5 0 -0.5v 0 1 0# List of normals:vt 0 0 0vt 1 0 0vt 0 1 0vt 1 0 0vt 0 0 0vt 1 1 0vt 0 0 0vt 1 0 0vt 0 0 0vt 1 0 0vt 0.5 1 0# List of faces and normals for each corner:f 4//9 3//8 2//6 1//3f 2//5 3//8 5//11f 3//7 4//10 5//11f 4//9 1//2 5//11f 1//1 2//4 5//11MTL File Format BasicsMaterial Template Library (MTL) is an ASCII file format defined by to specify material and light reflecting properties.

MTL files are typically accompanied by and referenced from OBJ files that define geometry upon which the materials of the MTL file are mapped. A more detailed look at this standard is.

Here we ignore the illumination properties, but list out the more basic properties and method used to define a material:. Within the.obj file:. an.mtl file is referenced using: mtllib external.mtl file name. a different material can be specified for each polygon group by using this line just under the group tag: usemtl material name.

Pyramid obj file

Within the.mtl file:. each new material must be started with the tag: newmtl MaterialName. ambient color is declared using: Ka r g b. RGB (red green blue) values like this are always a coefficient between 0 and 1.

diffuse color is declared using: Kd r g b. specular color is declared using: Ks r g b and then the amount of 'shininess' defined with: Ns # where # ranges between 0 and 1000. transparency can be declared using: Tr r g b and d r g b (some implementation use 'd' instead of 'Tr').Example 3: Two triangles with materials referenced in a.mtl fileIn this final example we have two files. The first is our.obj file with two triangle, the second file is our.mtl file:mytriangles.obj.

#MATERIAL FOR GROUP 1:newmtl materialforfirsttriangleKa 1 0 0 # Red.Kd 1 0 0Ks 1 1 1Ns 500 # Very shiny.MATERIAL FOR GROUP 2:newmtl materialforsecondtriangleKa 1 1 1 # White.Kd 1 1 1Ks 1 1 1Ns 0 # No shine (completely dull).Tr 0.5 # Is 50% transparent.See Also. shows an example of generating a OBJ file using C code. a more versatile 3D vector file format which allows for animation, lights and many other features, but is a bit harder to read/parseLinks. gives a great little summary of the main keywords. explains all the syntax.

Said in:So why am i getting the error for the '.obj' file not foundsaid in:On Windows, you can't mix and match C libraries built with different compilers. The only exception currently is VS2017 being backward compatible with VS2015.Let's go back a step. Firstly your LIBS variable is incorrect.

How To Open Obj Files

Secondly you're linking system libraries which from the code example it seems you shouldn't. And thirdly, if a set of libraries worked with mingw then they were compiled with mingw (hence the quote from ). That set of libraries can not, and shall not be used with msvc, ever. You need a set of libraries compiled with msvc to use them in an application built with msvc. This also extends to the msvc version - for example msvc2015 isn't backwards compatible, so you likely need to match the versions as well. I have specific set of libraries for both mingw and msvc.Also, i linked the system libraries in file as it was not accepting them from the system variables 'PATH'My issue is just during the compilation with opencv.For eg., Qt has its included examples just to try out for beginners, those examples run completely fine, which means the problem lies somewhere in the code itself which i wrote.these are all the compilers i have which are seperatelyI need to get my default compiler to work with opencv.thats my end goal. Okay, let me rephrase: INCLUDEPATH += 'D:Windows Kits10Include10.0.17763.0ucrt'INCLUDEPATH += 'D:Windows Kits10Include10.0.17763.0ucrtsys'Why do you need this?


LIBS += D:Windows Kits10Lib10.0.17763.0umx64shell32.libWhat part of the system API you're using, so you need this one? (may be the source of your error too). LIBS += D:OpenCVopencvbuildbinReleaseopencvcore400.dllLIBS += D:OpenCVopencvbuildbinReleaseopencvhighgui400.dllLIBS += D:OpenCVopencvbuildbinReleaseopencvimgcodecs400.dllLIBS += D:OpenCVopencvbuildbinReleaseopencvimgproc400.dllLIBS += D:OpenCVopencvbuildbinReleaseopencvfeatures2d400.dllLIBS += D:OpenCVopencvbuildbinReleaseopencvcalib3d400.dllOne does not link.dlls, one links against them with the help of a.lib.PS.Did you compile opencv with the version of msvc you're trying the build the application with?